Associate a Project with a Program (Programs Hub)

Use these steps to associate a project with a program using the Programs hub.

There are two ways to associate a project from a program. You can do it from the Programs hub Projects tab or from the Projects hub Overview tab. The steps below show you how to do it from the Programs hub. To see how to do it from the Projects hub, see Associate a Project with a Program (Projects Hub).

To associate a project with a program from the Programs hub:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Hubs, click Programs.
  2. If you are in the List view, click Switch to Detail View in the top right corner of the view.
  3. Use the Program Search feature at the top of the view to search for and select the program for which you want to associate a project.
  4. On the Projects tab, click + Associate Project at the bottom of the grid.
    A new line is added to the grid.
  5. Select a project from the Project Name column drop-down list. If you want to create a new project to associate with the program, select + Add New Project from the drop-down list and enter all of the relevant details on the Project screen.
    You cannot associate a project with more than one program, therefore the drop-down only lists projects that are not already associated with a program. If you do not see the project you require, navigate to the Projects hub List view, locate the project, and look in the Program column to see if it is already associated with another program. If you want to associate the project with a different program, you first have to disassociate it from the program to which it is currently associated.
    When you select an existing project, Touchstone automatically saves the change when you click out of the field. When you elect to add a new project, Touchstone automatically saves the changes when you click Save on the Project screen.